Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Limited: Studio Picks

I'm not entirely sure what The Limited's "Studio" is, but they are promoting their studio picks in the crisp, summer (as opposed to winter) white.  Above is the e-mail blurb about it, and below is a selection of summer white studio picks from The Limited's website.

I actually purchased a summer white cotton suit from the limited last year, and I love it.  I think their pants and blazers fit really well (except for being too long, like always :)).  I also like the two tops featured, but I would like to see them in person, as I've had some issues with The Limited's online items not always appearing accurately in person.

Just as a fun aside: do you know where the rule about when to wear white comes from?  According to Ask Yahoo! (RIP), there is no clear answer.  If I had to pick one, I would say that there is definitely a romantic notion to the way the Old South used to dress, so that theory is probably the one I prefer.

Do you follow this rule?  I wear white as basic pieces (camis, tanks, tees, work shirts), but I never wear summer white pants, jackets, coats, or shoes in the winter.  I own some nice winter white pieces that I think work well.  (And I don't really care what Stacy and Clinton think - they aggravate me to no end!)

What do you think?  Do you like The Limited's summer white pieces?  What do you think of the rules about when to wear white?